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FTP Site and Transferring Files

How do I get large design files to Cypress so I can get a project quoted?
Cypress Industries has a FTP site available for the transfer of large files. If you have your own FTP client program, the site to use is and user name: [email protected].

Do I need a user name and password for the FTP site?
You can login as an anonymous user. When you do this, you will be provide with an empty folder to copy all your files to.

Will someone else be able to see the files I leave on the FTP site?
The anonymous folder will only show files that are copied over during your current session. Once you close your session, these files will not be able to be viewed again by anyone except for a Cypress employee. The same applies to anyone else that may log in as an anonymous user.

Do I need a special program to access the FTP site?
Internet Explorer is capable of accessing the FTP site as is any other FTP client program. If you access the site by going to and user name: [email protected]. you do not need an FTP client program.

Is the transfer method secure?
Secure file transfer is achieved by using either and user name: [email protected].

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